Problem Given an array of integers nums, calculate the pivot index of this array. The pivot index is the index where the sum of all the numbers strictly to the left of the index is equal to the sum of all the...
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Use React.lazy and Suspense to load components lazily, improving initial loading times and reducing the bundle size.
React.lazy and Suspense are two features in React that allow you to load components lazily, meaning they are only loaded when they are actually needed. This can help improve initial loading times and reduce the overall size of your bundle.
What is React.memo, when to use and difference between React.memo vs useMemo hook
Imagine you have a toy box filled with different kinds of toys – cars, dolls, balls, and blocks. Every time you want to play with a toy, you have to search through the entire box to find the one you want. This takes a lot of time and effort, especially if you have a lot of toys.
A quick way to log and analyze slow queries in MySql
Logging and analyzing slow queries in MySQL is an essential task for optimizing database performance. It helps identify queries that take longer to execute, pinpoint performance bottlenecks, and optimize query execution plans to improve overall system performance.
10 Must-Have VS Code Extensions for Full Stack Development with Node.js and React.js
Using the right set of VS Code extensions can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency when working with the JS ecosystem. ESLint Prettier – Code formatting Code Spell Checker Git Lens - Git supercharged Intellicode NPM Intellisense Path IntelliSense...